Centenaire des Pâques Irlandaises ….. Suite…..

Dans le cadre de notre dossier sur le centenaire des Pâques Irlandaises nous vous invitons à suivre les liens suivants:

Olwen Fouéré, célèbre actrice irlandaise, narratrice du concert vous conseille:

« Attendees were treated to an excerpt from a new music commission by Simon O’Connor, performed by vocalist Michelle O’Rourke with the backing of the RTÉ Concert Orchestra ensemble and dedicated to the widows of those who lost their lives in 1916.
The magnificent performance by the RTÉ Ensemble conducted by Conor Palliser was narrated by actor Olwen Fouéré. It will be performed in full in venues throughout the country during the year. I performed at this event today. It was an amazingly moving experience with many members and descendants of the families involved present:


Erwan Fouéré vous conseille: 





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